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SUSA Vienna Logo
What is SUSA?


What is SUSA?

We are a  multi-cultural, international Soccer-Community in Vienna,  comprising of Camps during the school holidays (Easter-Summer-Autumn) for kids between 5 and 14 years old.

A Kids-Academy (4-13 years old), which runs after-school, or on a Saturday morning during the school year. And a competitive League Setup (under 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-18 & Adults team) registered in and recognised by the Austrian Football Federation, UEFA & FIFA.


Our aim is to improve each of our player’s skills in an appropriate environment according to their respective level and goals, applying the most up-to-date methods of sport science and neuroscience.


We not only aim to develop their specific soccer skills, but also the mental and emotional aspects crucial for their daily lives and futures. We also individually coach high performance athletes and private customers,  who want to profit from our unique methods and knowledge base.

Therefore our holistic teaching approach is based on those 4 developing principles:


Positive Attitude is the key to success & happiness. SUSA  players get to learn the importance of mental strength, dedication and determination.

Our trainings require a high level of concentration with academic benefits and stress reduction among others.


Our experienced Coaching Team takes care of the player's age specific physical needs. A proper development of Agility, Speed and Explosiveness are crucial for the young players. Injury prevention is a priority in our trainings.


The emotional development of our players is one of the highest priorities in our Academy. Praising is the key for adequate Neurofunctionality and for further development of confidence and a good self-esteem. Mistakes are an important part of the learning process.


Our exercises and trainings promote and develop the general motor skills of our players. Orientation, Coordination, Reaction, Decision Making.  

The benefits of Neuroplasticity are enormous!

SUSA programs unite Boys, Girls and dedicated Coaches from across the globe creating a rich and vibrant multi-cultural explosion of "Rock'n'Roll" Soccer - it's not enough to just kick a ball at SUSA!

Our "soccer students"  are encouraged to express and develop their own unique and individual approach to the beautiful game, whilst also understanding and appreciating the benefits of  TEAM-WORK and other team sports values.

Soccer is ART, Soccer is ENTERTAINMENT, Soccer is HONESTY, Soccer is FUN!


So make your Soccer Dream a reality! Bring along your passion, your energy and your biggest SMILE!

We will do the rest!

Our training, workshops, courses and camps take place at the premium facilities of @Sportcenter Donaucity Arbeiterstrandbadstraße 128, 1220 Vienna. U1 Alte Donau. 

The most beautiful sport facility in Vienna, just behind the United Nations.  




At our SUSA camps your children learn more than just only about Soccer. Our different workshops and trainings provide our kids the perfect mix between knowledge and fun! 


We do the Rock'n'Roll version where you can not only express your love of "the beautiful game" but also all those other hidden talents that lurk within you!


Don't freak! Relax and let your talent be your guiding light!


And hey, SUSA is an INTERNATIONAL community, so not only to you get the opportunity to improve your fitness and talents but you also get the priviledge to make new Friends from across the globe!

We offer camps from Monday till Friday during regular school vacation (except for Christmas break)

  • Easter camp (1 week) 14.04 - 18.04.2025

  • Summer camps (10 weeks) 23.06.2025 - 29.08.2025

Group foto of SUSA Coaches and a lot of kids after a friendly tournament, all cheering happily.
Picture taken at a SUSA camp. The founder Sean and current owner Carlos in the focus.
Saturday Program

Saturday Program

Our well known SUSA Saturday Program is our MAIN EVENT of the Week, where all our SUSA superstars (Independent of their soccer level) express their passion for the most beautiful game and develop with fun and friendship their special SUSA technical soccer skills & learn, supported by our experienced coaching approach and through football, important values for life.


At SUSA it is never enough to just kick a ball, especially on our Saturday program! Parents!! don't forget to bring your boots as we mostly finalise the trainings by a parents vs kids game!


We also take part in tournaments and organise regularly friendly games vs other clubs and Teams of international schools in Vienna. 

To ensure the perfect training, learning and SUSA-way fun environment to each child we provide different time slots according to your kids age.

SUSA Cubs (4-6 year-old) 10:00 - 11:30 

SUSA Bears (7-9 year-old) 11:30 - 13:30

SUSA Jaguars (10-13 year-old) 13:30 - 15:30

Our Spring Program will then kick off on the 8th of March outdoors at @Sportcenter Donaucity and will end on the 14th of June 2025.

Group foto of all the SUSA Coaches
After School Program

After School Program

Our After-School Program takes place on every regular working day from Monday to Friday and offers the perfect mix between just for fun and challenging trainings for kids between 4 and 13 Years. 

Due to restricted available indoor capacities during the winter we will switch between both of our facilities, the Sportcenter Donaucity and the UniCredit Center am Kaiserwasser. In this period of time, our competitive league teams will be training together with the academy players in order to guarantee enough numbers of participants. During the spring we will return to the usual times we had during the fall 2024. 


Please note that the temperatures in the Dome are very cold, we are just protected of rain, snow and wind. Therefore kindly read in detail the information below  for your respective child's age group, also if there are non marking indoor shoes needed or thermo-underwear needed. 

Spring After-School program  - 10th of March  to 14th of June 2025

The program is tailored for families and kids who don't necessarily want League and Competitive football but want to get the benefits of our holistic coaching methods.

Like with all our program we'd like to stress that the after-school activities dress girls and boys alike!

SUSA Cubs 4-6 year-old Wednesday & Thursday 16:00 - 17:30

SUSA Bears 7-9 year-old Monday Tuesday & Thursday &  16:00 - 17:30

SUSA Jaguars 10-12 (&13) year-old Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday  16:00 - 17:30

Families which participated on the Winter-Program will have a reduced fee of minus 30% for the Spring Program


Competitive League

We love to see our little Soccer Superstars rising high. Some of them need a serious competition to rise even higher. Therefore we have been taking the necessary steps to bring our competitive branch to the next level in Austria and abroad. Our selection under 13 participates regularly in the Varta Cup in Haag during the summer, competing at the highest level in Austria. For our U14 and U16 teams we travel on Easter abroad to participate in the Mediterranean International Cup (MIC) in Costa Brava, Catalonia Spain. Who has got the chance to play vs Liverpool U16s? Yes we did! Last year we even qualified into the round of the last 16 teams. 

At the moment our U14-15-16-18 teams are fighting for the promotion into the A Viennese Division. SUSA finished second in the general table "Gesamtwertung" and our U16s and our Adults Rocks Team KM finished on top of the table during the Autumn Season. Have a look at the links below and check how our teams are doing at the moment


Competitive League
Picture of a SUSA league team.
Individual Traning


Individual Trainings

In addition to all our group training options we also provide the possibility to book individual training. This provides to our customers (beginners or high performing athletes) the chance to receive a training tailored just for their specific needs according to their age and current level. 

Our approach emphasise on technical ability, cognitive skills and quick decision making.


Especially the appliance of Neuroscience in sports for mental and emotional development plays a huge role. Depending on your thoughts, feelings and emotions you can get into the zone of absolute focus and awareness.  


The following hormones and neurotransmitters make it possible.  Epinephrine increases alertness, Acetylcholine focus & Dopamine is the key for our brain-motor functionality and further motivation and development. But how can you activate them? 


MINDSET IS EVERYTHING!  Everything is possible but you must believe! 

Every thought has an impact on our health and performance. During our individual trainings our athletes receive an introduction into Mindfulness, Meditation and Visualisation techniques.

The aim of our exercises is to really challenge the brain of our players. Only after mistakes it's possible to achieve the highest possible level of concentration and further learning effects. 

Better cognitive skills, concentration, attention, coordination, faster decision making, higher motivation, more creativity, stress resistance and stress reduction, Also Higher self esteem, confidence, determination, consciousness, resilience and better performance on the field but also better IQ results and school grades.

Coach Carlos and Coach Jon are specialised in individual training but also there are other TOP Coaches at SUSA who might be interesting for you or your child. ​Have a look on the SUSA TEAM page

Coach Carlos talking to two young players.

The SUSA Values

Respect, Empathy, Positive Attitude, Thankfulness and more! 

Learning and teaching important values for life, is the most important part of our coaching mission at SUSA. Please always ask your kids about which values have they learned at SUSA as those are part of our coaching plan. Should be there any case of bullying, racism, homophobia, sectarianism or just simple foul language, please let the coaches know immediately as this is not tolerated at SUSA. We want to stand out for our Values ​

Thank you for being part of our SUSA community, thank you for your trust in this important mission of helping and supporting your kids on the journey of in becoming great adults and persons! 


Gracias! Merci! Danke! Grazie!  Bedankt! Obrigada! Dziękuję!   감사합니다! Hvala !شكرا لك  आपका धन्यवाद! Спасибо! Хвала! Kiitos! Köszönöm! Σας ευχαριστώ!  תודה!   ممنون! 谢谢啦! ありがとう! Děkuji! Takk!  Teşekkür ederim! have you already check our online shop?


Picture of the SUSA Team
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Special thanks to our partners and supporters!

GREA Beisteiner Logo
Freiraum Logo
Breakaway Soccer Logo
Viennese Yogis Logo
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SANTANA Gourmet Logo

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